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Guided Tours
Art Mediation´s programme AMPLIFICARE – Amplify

  Guided Tours
  The guided tours have a dialogical approach and aim to engage the visitors with various experiences in the gallery, and to provide a space for connections and confrontations between contemporary art and the public.
The tours can be in Italian, English or German language and they can be booked at the museum’s main desk or in advance.
The guided tours last a minimum of 90 minutes, but longer tours can also be booked.
We offer a regular guided tour four times a week: two on Saturday and two on Sunday You can also book the tour in advance for any day/time during the opening times of the CCCS.
Each tour has a maximum of 15 persons.
  Group of adults – 40 € + Entry Ticket
(maximum 15 persons)
  Group of adults guided tour + workshop – 50 €
  Group of students – 25 €
(groups above 15 persons will be separated into two or more tours)
  Group of students guided tour + workshop – 30 €
  Regular guide tour – 3 € Each person
  Group of adults China: at the Court of the Emperors
+ China Chin China!!! – 80 € + 20 € + Entry Ticket
  Every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 pm to 1.30 pm you have the possibility to spend your lunch break discovering an exhibition room: a short time to warm the senses and to "breathe in" the exposition place. The entry is for free.