Palazzo Strozzi   CCCS
  Green Platform
  Art Ecology Sustainability / 24.04 – 19.07.2009
  Home l Artists l Catalogue l Programme l Education l Italian
Not only thought as an exhibition but as a working composite platform, Green Platform is based on the attempt of offering various kinds of active experience: workshops with artists and other players in the environmental associations, a series of lectures with experts in various relevant disciplines and the screening of videos and documentaries on environment-related issues.
Artists Talks and Workshops with artists
The green Sunday
  For info about every activity or meeting, please contact:
Email: education
ph. 055.2776461
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Every Thursday at 6.30 pm (in Italian language)

  30.04.09 Andy Cameron (Creative Director of the Interactive Design Department of Fabrica) Sustainable Interactions

07.05.09 Filippo De Pieri (Teaching Fellow at Politecnico in Turin and Professor in Contemporary Architecture History at Parma University)
Gilles Clément and the notion of ‘Third Landscape’

14.05.09 FOCUS (curated by CCCS Education and Mediation Department) Dialoguing with the Earth. Artistic practises from Land Art until today.

21.05.09 Luca Farulli (Professor in Aesthetics at Venice Academy of Fine Arts and in Digital Art Aesthetics at Master Multimedia for the Florence University)Yves Netzhammer: the sense for space

28.05.09 Almo Farina (Professor in Ecology at the Environmental Sciences Department of Urbino University) About the theories of cognitive resource and cognitive landscape

04.06.09 Marco Sala (Professor in Architectural Technology at Florence University) Sustainability in the evolution of contemporary architecture

16.06.09 (instead of 11.06.09) Leandro Pisano (Art Director of Interferenze – New Art Festival) Naturalis Electronica: soundscape, mediascape

18.06.09 Enzo Tiezzi (Professor at the Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences Faculty of Siena University) Beauty and sustainability

25.06.09 Piero Gilardi (artist and founder of PAV – Parco d'Arte Vivente in
Turin) Bioarte up to date CANCELLED. We apologize for any inconvenience
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  Artists Talks and Workshops with artists
24.04.09, 6.00 pm: ARTIST TALK Tue Greenfort
(artist, Denmark) (
in English)

28.04; 29.04; 12.05; 13.05.09: WORKSHOP Nikola Uzunovski
(artist, Serbia)(in collaboration with ISIA, Florence) (10.00 am – 6.00 pm)

05.05.09, 6.00 pm: ARTIST TALK Michelangelo Consani
(artist, Italy)

09.06.09, 6.00 pm: WORKSHOP
Presented in the exhibition, the Postcard Workshop, Liquid Cat
(collective group, Italy), 
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  in collaboration with Cinemambiente Festival (Turin)
start time: 9.00 pm

A crude awakening. The oil crash
by Basil Gepke, Ray McCormack 85', Switzerland, 2006

What is the connection between the US military intervention in Iraq, Teheran’s growing atomic ambitions, Moscow’s nationalization of natural gas reserves and Hugo Chavez’s populist politics in Venezuela? Intensively exploited for over a century, the fields will eventually dry up; with no international solution on the horizon, the risk of global economic crisis is imminent. Grounded on expert opinion, A Crude Awakening - The Oil Crash offers an intelligent examination of one of today’s most urgent problems, delineating the potential risks of a renewed oil crisis and the possible means to avert it.

The Planet
by Linus Torell, Michael Stenberg, Johan Soderberg
84', Sweden/Norway/Denmark, 2006

Is it possible to give an ironic spin to climate change and its impact on the environment and the need to find a solution soon? With The Planet, Torell, Stenberg and Söderberg provide a clear, fresh answer based on original material realizing the most extensive documentary project ever produced in Scandinavia. The film crews worked for more than 2 years and visited over 25 countries around the world. The Planet is about much more than climate change. It’s about the Earth as a whole - it’s about the overall global changes we are experiencing right now.

Garbage! The revolution starts at home
by Andrew Nisker 76', Canada, 2007

Autumn 2005. The McDonald family of Toronto have a new live-in house guest--their garbage, which they keep in their garage for 3 months. 83 bags full of garbage, 145 kg of organic material, and a humming smell. The deus ex machina behind this unusual choice is film director Andrew Nisker who shows through the experience of a normal family the reality of domestic garbage production and disposal. The main characters of this intelligent documentary, which also has its comic moments, visit the places where the garbage they unassumingly took out for years winds up, realizing the dramatic impact their household chore has.

One water

by Sanjeev Chatterjee, Ali Habashi 68', USA, 2008

Filmed in 15 countries over a period of 5 years production, the film reveals the magical element in the connection between man and water, a source of life and spiritual purification practiced by various religions, sometimes the vehicle of contagion and death, too often in the hands of the privileged few. From India to Hungary, from the U.S. to Kenya, the film tells many different stories with water as the main figure, but also raises a disturbing question: what are we doing now so that future generations will have enough water? With numerous expert testimonies (Dalai Lama, Vandana Shiva, Robert F. Kennedy) and soundtrack music performed by the Russian National Orchestra.

*all the movies are in original sound with Italian subtitles

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The green sunday 24.05.09, 4.00 – 6.00 pm

Free educational activity for 6-to-12-years-old children about the practice of environmental sustainability (in Italian).

In collaboration with Terra Futura, curated by Associazione Inachis


With the support of IL GENIO FIORENTINO

For info about every activity or meeting, please contact:
Email: education
ph. 055.2776461

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  Artists: Alterazioni Video, Amy Balkin, Andrea Caretto e Raffaella Spagna, Michele Dantini,
Ettore Favini, Futurefarmers, Tue Greenfort, Henrik Håkansson, Katie Holten, Dave Hullfish Bailey, Christiane Löhr, Dacia Manto, Lucy + Jorge Orta, Julian Rosefeldt, Carlotta Ruggieri, Superflex,
Nicola Toffolini
, Nikola Uzunovski