Palazzo Strozzi   CCCS
  Green Platform
  Art Ecology Sustainability / 24.04 – 19.07.2009
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  Carlotta Ruggieri (Italy, 1967)
  Nature is the focus of all Carlotta Ruggieri's work, which modifies the cognitive modes and operating customs of the natural environment and seasonal cycles. The creation of a work strictly follows the light and times of the seasons, developing through extended periods of observation.
Suspended between staticness and dynamism, Ruggieri’s images always establish a singular relationship between the viewer and the natural environment, subjectivity and otherness, investigating this complex dimension through the serial repetition of images.
  The artist has recently recommenced work on the theme of the “third landscape”, already tackled in the Senza titolo series of photographs – a spontaneous wood that looks like a forest although it is actually situated on the edge of an urban area. The presence of non-indigenous plants that have become naturalised in the region testifies to the interesting phenomenon of migration of flora, which is the focus of the artist’s current research.
The new series displayed here, produced by CCCS for Green Platform, presents the inside of industrial fixtures of a former city factory, now enveloped by spontaneous vegetation. The complex relationship between man and nature, the artificial and the natural environment, translates into an image the contrast between rough iron frames and the climbing plants captured against the light.
This synthesis forcefully introduces the theme of Gilles Clément’s “third landscape” and extensively and profoundly comprises the concepts of liminality and diversity.
The fragments of landscape that escape farm machinery, weeds growing among the asphalt and abandoned bushes along the motorways form the so-called "third landscape", which is a precious reserve of biodiversity. This wealth is not merely due to the variety and spontaneous growth of the plants, but represents the optimum possible level of life in a specific environment. The “third landscape” thus has a profound value, for it is constituted by species that find sanctuary solely in places that are not controlled by power, expressing political and philosophical needs.
  Senza titolo 2009 - “I was aware of the hard workings of the natural world beyond the periphery of ordinary attention, where passions lose their meaning and history is in another dimension” (Edward Wilson), 2009
3 panels, lambda print on dibond
80 x 177 cm, 80 x 160 cm, 80 x 120 cm
installation produced by CCCS, Florence
Courtesy the artist
Photo Credit: CCCS, Firenze; Valentina Muscedra
  Detail from: Senza titolo 2009 - “I was aware of the hard workings of the natural world beyond the periphery of ordinary attention, where passions lose their meaning and history is in another dimension.” (Edward Wilson), 2009
3 panels, lambda print on dibond
80 x 177 cm, 80 x 160 cm, 80 x 120 cm
Courtesy the artist

Produced by Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina,
Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze
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  Artists: Alterazioni Video, Amy Balkin, Andrea Caretto e Raffaella Spagna, Michele Dantini,
Ettore Favini, Futurefarmers, Tue Greenfort, Henrik Håkansson, Katie Holten, Dave Hullfish Bailey, Christiane Löhr, Dacia Manto, Lucy + Jorge Orta, Julian Rosefeldt, Carlotta Ruggieri, Superflex,
Nicola Toffolini
, Nikola Uzunovski