Thursday, June 10, 2010, 18:30
Lecture by Carmen Leccardi
The subjects face the accelerating
The sense of anxiety that comes from lack of time has become a condition that takes us in many aspects of our lives. In the moment in which time is understood as a limited resource its management system is compared to the economic system. Indeed, we can say that in the last century has proceeded to a real-time monetization, found in production systems as they are consumed. The reflection of the sociologist Carmen Leccardi will help us understand how it changed our relationship with the temporal dimension and how we can adapt to new processes that distinguish accelerated this evolution.
Carmen Leccardi is a sociologist and professor at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Milan-Bicocca. Co-director, from 1999 to 2009, the magazine “Time & Society”, which is now Consulting Editor, has been a member for four years of the Scientific Committee of the International Society for the Study of Time and is currently part of what the magazine “Temporalités”. Among his recent publications include Sociology of the time. Individuals and companies in the acceleration time (2009) and Sociology of everyday life (2003).
Con la grande mostra dedicata ad Ai Weiwei (23 settembre 2016-22 gennaio 2017) per la prima volta Palazzo Strozzi diventa uno spazio espositivo unitario che comprende facciata, Cortile, Piano Nobile e Strozzina.
L’arte contemporanea esce dalla Strozzina e si espande sia a livello espositivo che di comunicazione, in uno scenario in cui Palazzo Strozzi partecipa attivamente all’avanguardia artistica del nostro tempo.
Per questo motivo le informazioni relative alla mostra Ai Weiwei. Libero e il programma di mostre e attività future dedicato all'arte contemporanea saranno consultabili direttamente al sito e sui canali social di Palazzo Strozzi.