Thursday, June 23, 2011, 18:30 – free admission
Domenico Quaranta
Why we wear masks? Art and Identity in Network
More and more artists choose the Internet as a research field of expression. Among these, many focus their attention on the practices of constructing identity and simulating daily interactions between users and the web. While the network drives the use of hidden profiles, avatars, pseudonyms, the other uses are becoming tools of control that retain many traces of our online and offline activities. This paradox is motivating artistic research presented in the research by Domenico Quaranta.
Domenico Quaranta is a critic and curator. His research addresses the interaction between art and new digital media. He works with such magazines as Flash Art and Artpulse. Among recent publications include the Media, New Media, Postmedia (2010) and GameScenes. Art in the Age of video games (with Matthew Bittanti, 2006).
The lecture will be held in italian.
Con la grande mostra dedicata ad Ai Weiwei (23 settembre 2016-22 gennaio 2017) per la prima volta Palazzo Strozzi diventa uno spazio espositivo unitario che comprende facciata, Cortile, Piano Nobile e Strozzina.
L’arte contemporanea esce dalla Strozzina e si espande sia a livello espositivo che di comunicazione, in uno scenario in cui Palazzo Strozzi partecipa attivamente all’avanguardia artistica del nostro tempo.
Per questo motivo le informazioni relative alla mostra Ai Weiwei. Libero e il programma di mostre e attività future dedicato all'arte contemporanea saranno consultabili direttamente al sito e sui canali social di Palazzo Strozzi.