Thursday, May 10 at 19.30
Courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi – free entry
Oh Petroleum
Event organized in collaboration with Soul Kitchen
Maurizio Vierucci (a.k.a. Oh Petroleum) is a musician born and raised in Brindisi. He never studied music, but has always created it. He writes and records his songs alone in his home in San Pietro, Lama where he lives with his dogs. In 2007 he recorded the album “On the hill you can not bury what you love most” for Faier Entertainment. After a hiatus, he returned to music independently as Oh Petroleum with a self-titled album. He has participated in this year’s residency program, Sound Res, with Lee Ranaldo, David Cossin, Mina Tindle and Found Sound Nation. Oh Petroleum spreads his music by playing live shows in Italy and Europe. In the coming months, he will record a peculiar and mysterious “noise” album which will be documented for a film written to prepare for the release of the new album “Electric” with the collaboration of his friends, musicians and artists from around the world.
The Oh Petroleum concert is the second event of the Acoustic Carpet festival.
A series of four unplugged concerts will be held in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi and realised in conjunction with some of the most interesting Florentine venues dedicated to contemporary music: La Cité, Soul Kitchen, Controradio, La Casa della Creatività.
Con la grande mostra dedicata ad Ai Weiwei (23 settembre 2016-22 gennaio 2017) per la prima volta Palazzo Strozzi diventa uno spazio espositivo unitario che comprende facciata, Cortile, Piano Nobile e Strozzina.
L’arte contemporanea esce dalla Strozzina e si espande sia a livello espositivo che di comunicazione, in uno scenario in cui Palazzo Strozzi partecipa attivamente all’avanguardia artistica del nostro tempo.
Per questo motivo le informazioni relative alla mostra Ai Weiwei. Libero e il programma di mostre e attività future dedicato all'arte contemporanea saranno consultabili direttamente al sito e sui canali social di Palazzo Strozzi.