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Art Mediation´s programme AMPLIFICARE – Amplify

  China puzzle
Specific programmes and workshops
Art mediators for the programme AMPLIFICARE- AMPLIFY
  CHINA PUZZLE – Permanent installation in the mediation room

China Puzzle is a ‘work in progress’ action which will take place in the CCCS space devoted to artistic mediation. At the end of the visit to the exhibition, visitors are asked to leave a sign of their passage on post-it notes, writing a thought provoked by the comparative experience with Chinese art and culture. These notes will be attached to a wall in the Strozzina to make up a huge geographical map of China. Relating to works of contemporary Chinese art is a major challenge for the western public, which finds itself addressing both a new aesthetic and a symbolic world completely different from its own.

The China Puzzle wall will therefore be a space for public and democratic communication that enables a sharing of opinions and critical reflections. This project is designed to stress the active role of the users, and hence of mediation as a fundamental constituent aspect of the exhibition and as a policy of openness to education on the part of the CCCS, the Strozzina Contemporary Culture Centre.

  China Puzzle ... laRepubblica.it