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Guided Tours
Art Mediation´s programme AMPLIFICARE – Amplify

  China puzzle
Specific programmes and workshops
Art mediators for the programme AMPLIFICARE- AMPLIFY
  Specific programmes and workshops
  "We study hard for the Revolution"
  The Amplificare programme is designed to bring visitors to the CCCS closer to Chinese culture by introducing them to the history and the different political changes that the country has lived through. Starting from the works of art present in the exhibition, and with the help of various contemporary Chinese literary texts, we shall attempt to trace out a profile of this immense country aimed at a deeper understanding of the complex situation that currently characterises China.
Through the exhibition itinerary visitors will have the chance to gain insight into the fundamental issues affecting the Chinese political and cultural sphere, and to reflect on the role that contemporary artists play within it.
  Suggested readings
  This activity proposes dialogue encounters which, starting from the reading of the works in the show, bring into play various key themes of contemporary Chinese culture and analyse them from a western viewpoint. After an introduction designed to help place the work in its context, we propose an analysis with the aid of factsheets and texts, involving the public directly.
  Proposal 1 Yang Fudong and Pak Sheung Chuen
The condition of the Chinese artist: existential dynamics,
the relationship with tradition and the comparison between
eastern and western models
  Proposal 2 Cao Fei
The idea of Self and identity in virtual worlds
  Proposal 3 Chu Yun
A reflection on the role that the new technologies
play now in our daily lives
  POSSIBLE FUTURES – Workshop (age 11 and over)

Many of the works present at the show are based on the principle of the assembly of images and symbols, which the artists recombine to create new iconographic worlds. The workshop is intended to stimulate the imagination of the public through a creative activity, proposing a meditation on different utopias for a possible future. The participants will be given various materials, such as photos and cuttings, which will then be re-elaborated together in the form of collage or drawing.
The individual works will then enable the group to reflect critically on the current, past and future state of our culture. The results of the work will subsequently be published online on Flickr Album.