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Emerging Talents is a project created by the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi in 2009 and conceived with two main moments, an award and an exhibition, both biennial, offering young Italian artists the chance to gain recognition and promote their work in Italy and abroad.

The project is organized and realized by the Centre for Contemporary Culture Strozzina, fulfilling its own mission to produce and present exhibitions and events to stimulate discussion between artists, critics and the public, here identifying and fostering those creative talents in Italy that have the potential to make an impact on the international contemporary art scene.

The Emerging Talents project reflects the spirit of the CCC Strozzina and of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi in general, aiming to serve as a cultural platform in a position to grasp artistic and cultural issues and trends that have a profound influence on the local territory, while also encouraging interest on a national and international level.

Unlike any of the many other initiatives in Italy, Emerging Talents adopts a formula with a two-tier selection, each with its own special panel. The Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi first nominates a scholarly committee made up off Italian art critics and curators, each fully engaged with contemporary art. After their selection of the finalist artists, it is an international jury, made up of prestigious museum and gallery curators and directors, that is designed to nominate the winner.

Through these years, the Emerging Talents award selection committee has included important curators like Luca Massimo Barbero, Andrea Bellini, Chiara Bertola, Andrea Bruciati, Luca Cerizza, Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Andrea Lissoni. Member of the international jury were, among the others, Achim Borchardt-Hume, Rudolf Frieling, Barbara Gordon, Adam Szymczyk.

Winners of the first edition were Luca Trevisani and Rossella Biscotti, who won a residency period, respectively of six and eight months, at the Netherlands Media Art Institute Montevideo in Amsterdam and at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin.

Winner of the second edition was Luigi Presicci, awarded with the sponsorship of a monographic publication, conceived as an important contribution to furthering his career and a way to promote his work.

First edition: www.strozzina.org/emergingtalents

Second edition: www.strozzina.org/emergingtalents2011


Information: +39 26 45 155
Reservations: +39 055 24 69 600
Email: info@palazzostrozzi.org
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Con la grande mostra dedicata ad Ai Weiwei (23 settembre 2016-22 gennaio 2017) per la prima volta Palazzo Strozzi diventa uno spazio espositivo unitario che comprende facciata, Cortile, Piano Nobile e Strozzina.

L’arte contemporanea esce dalla Strozzina e si espande sia a livello espositivo che di comunicazione, in uno scenario in cui Palazzo Strozzi partecipa attivamente all’avanguardia artistica del nostro tempo.

Per questo motivo le informazioni relative alla mostra Ai Weiwei. Libero e il programma di mostre e attività future dedicato all'arte contemporanea saranno consultabili direttamente al sito www.palazzostrozzi.org e sui canali social di Palazzo Strozzi.
