
Rossella Biscotti
Carola Bonfili
Alice Cattaneo
Alex Cecchetti
Paolo Chiasera
Danilo Correale
Andrea Dojmi
Michael Fliri
Giulio Frigo
Christian Frosi
Anna Galtarossa
Nicola Gobbetto
Francesca Grilli
Simone Ialongo
Marzia Migliora
Valerio Rocco Orlando
Nicola Pecoraro
Alessandro Piangiamore
Farid Rahimi
Maria Domenica Rapicavoli
Davide Rivalta
Marinella Senatore
Luca Trevisani
Nico Vascellari
Enrico Vezzi


Palazzo Strozzi
23 January 2009 – 29 March 2009
Home l Programme l Education l Italian
Early one morning with time to waste, 2007
video, DVD, 5’00’’ min.
produced by Galleria Enrico Fornello, Prato
Courtesy the artist
Photo: Valentina Muscedra
The video portrays a situation midway between the sublime and the grotesque, between the serious and the facetious: a boat steered by the artist himself undertakes a solitary voyage in the open sea, bound for infinity. The boat is made of empty coloured bottles, it has no engine, and like its anchor, we are not sure that it is capable of staying afloat for much longer. As in so many of Michael Fliri's productions, so also in Early one morning..., the performance and the narrative aspects are part and parcel of the video work. The artist places himself and his imagination at the heart of his work, but in doing so he takes a deliberately ironic look at the chances his aspirations will ever have of really coming true. In this case, he seems to be posing as a latter-day Odysseus in search of his fate, yet doing so on board a vessel that it totally unsuited to the task, thus betraying the artist's ironic attitude towards his own condition. The voyage not only challenges the laws of physics and the forces of nature, it also highlights a strongly surreal and unnerving situation, almost a paradox between reality and fiction that seems to urge us to court failure in our endeavour to lend substance to our imagination.
Early one morning with time to waste, 2007
video, DVD, 5’00’’ min.
produced by Galleria Enrico Fornello, Prato
Courtesy the artist