
Rossella Biscotti
Carola Bonfili
Alice Cattaneo
Alex Cecchetti
Paolo Chiasera
Danilo Correale
Andrea Dojmi
Michael Fliri
Giulio Frigo
Christian Frosi
Anna Galtarossa
Nicola Gobbetto
Francesca Grilli
Simone Ialongo
Marzia Migliora
Valerio Rocco Orlando
Nicola Pecoraro
Alessandro Piangiamore
Farid Rahimi
Maria Domenica Rapicavoli
Davide Rivalta
Marinella Senatore
Luca Trevisani
Nico Vascellari
Enrico Vezzi


Palazzo Strozzi
23 January 2009 – 29 March 2009
Home l Programme l Education l Italian
The Infinite Film, s.d.
photo installation
12,5 x 412 cm
Courtesy Galleria Maze, Torino
Photo: Valentina Muscedra
Valerio Rocco Orlando's art is based on an awareness of the fact that our identity is in constant movement, that it lives in the stratification of the memory and that it is built up through a sharing of relationships and feelings. The photo installation entitled The Infinite Film is an ongoing project, a work in progress, an open-ended movie consisting of a variety of frames or stills from films and videos that the artist has made over the course of his career. Harking back to the method used in the cutting room, Orlando adds or replaces individual characters or whole scenes in an effort to compose a narrative that is constantly being renewed, thus spawning ever different feelings and meanings. Orlando works with fragments of his memory, with elementary particles reassembled in accordance with a very personal aesthetic sense. This, because his memories and his dreams are based on their fragmentary nature, unchecked by time or space. In The Infinite Film the artist appears to be reworking individual memory bytes on a ground that is constantly changing its configuration, offering ever new keys for interpretation.
The Infinite Film, s.d.
photo installation
12,5 x 412 cm
Courtesy Galleria Maze, Torino
Photos: Valentina Muscedra